Andrew Helow is regarded as one of the most remarkable composers working in amateur filmmaking by some of his peers. His work, with the help of talented filmmakers associated, has made it to notable film festivals across the United States. Developed in undecorated college apartments, his voice recalls many influences from Jon Brion and Thomas Newman to Wilco and Radiohead. Listening to so much depressing music, Andrew could not stop thinking about the worlds these artists create.
“If you’re going to write a sad song, you might as well make it sound as cool as possible,” said Andrew while thinking about how to structure a third-person biography.
His range in composing is unmatched shown by his eagerness to take on different projects. From animation inspired by Tim Burton to the experimental drama found on NoBudge, Andrew specializes in taking risks sonically.
“The solo piano is the greatest tool for any music composition. It is the base for everything else. It can do anything, but it cannot be everything.”
Rooted in his love for science fiction, Andrew has an appreciation for synthesizers and often incorporates them into compositions no matter their acoustic nature.